Mount Elgon National Park is set in eastern Uganda and spans up to 1145 square kilometers. It derives its name from Mount Elgon an extinct volcano which also features among a few ancient natural wonders in Uganda whose first eruption date 24 million back. Mount Elgon once featured as the highest mountain range in Africa exceeding Mount Kilimanjaro which is at 5895 meters but due to erosion, its height reduced to 4321 meters with its highest peak-Wagagai peak. It is inhabited by 2 tribes-the Bagisu and Sabiny. Mount Elgon spans up to 4000 square kilometers thus featuring the largest volcanic base on earth. It is set just at Uganda border with Kenya and its diameter stretches up to 80 kilometers.

Mount Elgon National Park hosts over 300 bird species including the endangered lammergeyer, dusky turtle dove, crowned hornbills, black and white casqued hornbills, golden winged and tacazze sunbirds, Ross’s and hartlaub’s Turaco, Jackson’s Francolin black throated wattle eye, grey cuckoo shrike and many others. It comprises of a thick montane forest, mixed bamboo belts, endemic plants for instance the giant lobelia and groundsels. There are also black and white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys and many more.

Activities to do in Mount Elgon National Park


Mount Elgon National Park is an ideal bird watching site in Eastern Uganda. A birding tour in Mount Elgon National Park allows you to spot out birds such as the golden winged and tacazze sunbirds, Ross’s and hartlaub’s Turaco, Mountain yellow warbler, Jackson’s Francolin, lammergeyer, crowned hornbills, black and white casqued hornbills, African blue fly catchers, chin spot batis, luhders bush shrikes, baglafetch weaver, Doherty’s, white chinned prinia, Chubb’s cisticola and others. There are many trails that take you along the base of Mount Elgon on a nature walk which equally comes with exciting bird sights.



Hike to Sipi falls

The Sipi falls is one of the most explored sites in Mount Elgon National Park and features an ancient enormous Stone Age cave painting close to the Budadiri trail head, scenic mountain peaks and hot springs which bubble strongly and gorges among others. The Sipi falls are found about 66 kilometers off Mbale, en-route to the Forest Exploration Center and Kapkwata. This magical waterfall is formed by a series of 3 waterfalls.

Trekking through Mount Elgon

Three (3) main trailheads take you to Mount Elgon peaks, one of which kick starts from Budadiri- the Sasa trailhead, the Sipi trailhead-forest exploration center to Kapkwai or use the Kapkwata also known as Piswa trailhead. The Sasa trail passes via the park’s vast area of bamboo forest and it is a direct route to the mountain peaks.


About 9 basic campsites do exist within Mount Elgon National Park and they are ideal for camping experiences. They are strategically located on the trekking routes and camping can be done in designated campsites. For any need to do camping here, you need to come with your camping gear including tent, sleeping bag, gloves, hat, sturdy hiking shoes, flashlight, rain gear, cooking equipment, food, first aid kit, warm clothes and others.

Day hikes

A day hike in any of the 3 day trails at forest exploration center of Mount Elgon National rewards travel endeavors with amazing sights. They range from 3 to 7 kilometers and they provide the best experience as it comes with amazing encounters of rare plant and wildlife species. The 4th trail takes you through distinct vegetation zones then to Tutum cave and provides excellent sights at wildlife species like black and white colobus monkeys as well as several bird species.

When to visit Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park is an all year round safari destination and incredibly, the dry season is considered as the best time for one to visit. The dry season normally starts from June to August/September and December to mid-March. However, it is also possible for you to embark on a safari to Mount Elgon National Park during the wet season. The wet season equally comes with its unique experiences especially scenic views of waterfalls.

Where to stay in Mount Elgon National Park

The key lodging or accommodation options for visitor overnight stay in Mount Elgon National Park include Kapkwata Rest House and the Forest Exploration Center. The others include Mbale Resort Hotel, Sunrise Inn, Mount Elgon Hotel, Country Home.